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The VIGOUR Scaling-up Approach

The conceptual foundation of the VIGOUR approach is build on the understanding that the scale-up of integrated care good practices is a matter of contextualisation. Based on this, VIGOUR will contextualise available knowledge/tools/initiatives already successfully implemented according to the local capacities, priorities and ambitions of each health authority involved in the project.

The VIGOUR approach can be distinguished into three main phase, all accompanied by our tailored VIGOUR evaluation and exploitation framework.

Baseline Phase

The baseline phase is fully dedicated to gain a thorough understanding of the factors that shape the framework conditions for care integration in each VIGOUR region. This includes having a closer look at the status quo in the different regions and organisations involved, as well as their specific priorities and targets for effective and sustainable integration interventions. Further to this, each VIGOUR region will undergo a systematic maturity assessment, checking back whether their care integration ambitions are feasible given the local capacities and capabilities. This will feed into the design of a preliminary scaling-up plan.

Preparation Phase

The preparation phase of VIGOUR will review available good practices from a variety of sources and synthesise a knowledge base of successful care integration interventions that match the ambitions of the participating care authorities. These identified good practices will be assessed in relation to their viability and transferability in the regions having their particular framework conditions in mind. Further to this, VIGOUR “pioneer” regions will be brought together with “follower” regions in a tailored twinning programme. This way, regions which have already deployed ambitious and innovative interventions can exchange their experiences and lessons learned with regions which are not yet well prepared when it comes to aspects of service integration. On that account, mutual learning is a critical aspect of the VIGOUR approach. Then, based on the insights gathered during the first two phases, the final care integration implementation plan is developed.

Scaling-up Phase

During the last phase of the project, the scaling-up phase, the 15 VIGOUR regions will implement local scaling-up pilots in their day-to-day care settings. Depending on the point of departure of each care authority and their previously identified ambitions, each pilot may concern different types, levels and forms of integration and also address different target populations. The local integration activities in each VIGOUR regions will be documented in a way that is instructive for other care authorities. This way, VIGOUR aims to ensure that other European regions can benefit from the experiences made during the project. A body of scaling-up guidance material will be produced, helping European care authorities in contextualising and successfully implementing sustainable good practices in care integration to their local capacities and priorities. Further to this, a series of scaling-up guidance webinars will be held, in which VIGOUR regions will broadcast their lessons learned to interested care authorities external to the project.

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