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About the region

The total resident population of Campania Region is 5.850.850 inhabitants, is divided into 550 municipalities and has an average density of 428 inhabitants per km2 (Italian average: 200.84 /Km2), values that bring Campania to be the third region of Italy by number of inhabitants and the first by population density.


Health and social care in the region

Integrated services in Campania are mostly referred to home care services provided to high complexity patients, hence the integration is implemented especially when loss of function has already started. In this framework, the level of integration increases with progression of functional loss. These patients require a high level of integration, that is both horizontal and vertical:

  • Support to the caregiver through the provision of social services requires horizontal integration, and increases with functional loss.
  • The complexity of the health needs of these patients also requires, in some cases since diagnosis, the set-up of multi-professional teams that ensure adequate care.

With this project we aimed at scaling-up collaborative service models to bring together the usual silos of social care, health care and informal support, thereby benefiting from ICT-enabled, integrated health and social care.

VIGOUR in the region

Complex health and social needs of patients have already been addressed by a set of tailored linked services. The availability of digital solutions improved timeliness of the interventions, for example including alerts into home monitoring devices, that are useful for both high and medium-low complexity patients. In order to implement such approaches, it was pivotal to re-design the care process, identifying roles and responsibilities. The DG for Health Protection and Coordination of the regional health system is responsible for the planning, organization and implementation of the Regional Health System. ASL Napoli 1 Centro is responsible for the provision of integrated home care services in the Urban Area of Naples, providing at the same time high specialty clinical assistance, social support, technological supports to lost functions.

Regional contact details

Guido Iaccarino: guiaccar(at)unina(dot)it

Antonio Maddalena: antonio.maddalena(at)aslnapoli1centro(dot)it


The team in the region

Maddalena Illario Antonio Maddalena Giudo Iaccarino Catello Schettino



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