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Friuli Venezia Giulia is located in the north-east part of Italy, at the border with Austria and Slovenia, and it has an area of 7.845 km2 with 215 municipalities. The resident population is 1.211.357 citizens with a density of 152,7 inhabitants per km2 (2019). The average age is 47,8 years and the population over65 represent the 26% of total residents. Life expectancy is estimated at 81,3 years for men and 85,8 for women. The Region is an important science and technology hub and the city of Trieste, regional capital, has a significantly high percentage of researchers: 37 every 1000 citizens.
The health and social care services in Friuli Venezia Giulia present a vertical integration system, whereas the Directorate for Health, Social policies and Disability of the Region is in charge of the strategic directions and supervision. At territorial level there are 3 Local Health Authorities, responsible of the public health care provision, including both primary care and hospital care. ASUGI is the health Authority for the Trieste and Gorizia areas and it includes also a University hospital. Furthermore, the community care is developed in collaboration, and through formal protocols, with the Municipalities, responsible for social services.
VIGOUR pilot action aimed to strengthen continuity of care and integrated care delivery to allow older people discharged from the Emergency Unit to receive the appropriate home care services by ensuring the fast activation of a personalized health care plan.
The envisaged service’s direct beneficiaries are elderly, fragile, or vulnerable individuals discharged from the Emergency Unit that require a personalized home care plan. ASUGI aimed to strengthen integrated care delivery by providing a rapid evaluation of the patient’s specific needs within 3 hours. The first assessment was carried out by doctors and nurses following the patient’s admission to the Emergency Room. Afterwards, nurses of the health district are activated to organize continuity of care at patients’ residence. External third sector organisations (social cooperative) are involved to provide personal care services to the beneficiaries— especially if they do not have a proper network of informal care givers and social welfare services already in place.
Ofelia Altomare: ofelia.altomare(at)asugi.sanita.fvg(dot)it
Gian Matteo Apuzzo: gm.apuzzo(at)gmail(dot)com
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Ofelia Altomare | Gian Matteo Apuzzo |